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Hornby 2012 programme

Hornby Logo, copyright image of Hornby Hobbies plc 2012 programme

On 3rd January Hornby Model Railways announced their 2012 programme of models. The company has been suffering a shortage of production capacity in China for the past few years and in 2011 this resulted in the formal deferral of a number of newly tooled releases - in our particular case their much anticipated 5Bel model - until 2012. So this year is largely one of catch-up and consolidation with only a small number of newly tooled items to be released, although there are a considerable number of existing models in new guises.

A far as new tooling for Southern modellers is concerned the only items are four versions of locomotive hauled coaches of SR origin - a Maunsell open third,a Maunsell bogie passenger brake ("Bogie-B") and a Maunsell BR converted Pull-Push set. For Southern Electric modellers specifically new versions of existing models are:

R3143 4Vep BR blue & grey (which will have improved DTC interiors) Q2 release
R3136 Class 73 73138 Network Rail yellow Q2 release
R3137 Class 73 73101 "Brighton Evening Argus" Pullman umber and cream Q2 release
R3149 Class 92 92042 DB Schenker red Q1 release
R3135 Class 92 GBRf Europorte blue/orange Q2 release
Note - no DCC versions of these are offered but they all have DCC sockets.

In addition, deferred from 2011 are:
The 1934 Brighton Belle (R2987/X + R4512, R4513, R4514) and 1969 (listed incorrectly as 1967) Brighton Belle (R2988/X + R4527, R4528 + R4529) are now both due in quarter 1, plus R3057 Class 92 92017 DB Schenker Stobart Rail "Bart the Engine" is also due in Q1.

Hornby Class 92s are clearly emulating the proverbial London Omnibus - wait a long time and then three come along together!

The Bachmann programme of new releases is no longer announced in the new year, but the long awaited MLVs are expected to appear in 2012. The SEG Modelling Secretary is hoping for alternatively numbered versions of the 2EPBs and, speculatively, a South West Trains Desiro Class 450! Hopefully 2012 will also see the Kernow 2H DEMUs and Bulleid diesels finally released.