Replica MLV getting closer!
photograph by Colin Duff At the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition enquirers were being told that Replica's 4mm scale long-awaited ready to run Motor Luggage Van will now be available in BR(S) green from Easter 2009. Those following this saga will be aware that this is not the first Easter that has been quoted as a launch date! Will it beat Bachmann's RTR 4Cep into the market place? With autumn 2009 currently being quoted for that then if Replica can make this latest launch date, then it should. Parts from the forthcoming model have been on sale periodically. Unfitted and unfettled bodies, together with flush glazing and cab interiors, were on sale at Warley. Previously packs of underframe electrical equipment have been available. Above shows an unfitted and unfettled body with flush glazing retained by clear sticking tape, with a Replica Mk1 underframe and on Bachmann Mk1 accommodation bogies(!) for the purpose of photography. The body is deliberately moulded in light green - cab interior - colour. |